Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Anyone remember P E T R O V A ?

P e t r o v a H a m m o n d !

For all of you Australians who were hooked on the first season of Project Runway Australia, you would know that it was impossible to ignore Petrova!From the beginning of the promotional ads, when I saw Petrova clad in her fringed, fuchsia top; her sparkly, black, tiered too-too and her gypsy hat I pinned her as my favorite.
I have recently come across images of her new collection. She designs for her label---
L a d y P e t r o v a !
She was inspired by a story book with some creepy plot about a little girl being locked in an attic, but sent all these pretty clothes or something. I forgot the story, but it is plain to see that influence by looking at the pictures. These are my favorite looks, enjoy! I know I did!
au revoir! ♥

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