Sunday, February 21, 2010

sort of like an outfit post---

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A tad random, but a post nevertheless! Today I truly had the most lovely day,
I drove to Rozelle markets with my momma. I work at Rozelle of a Saturday, at a lovely vintage fashion boutique called Mint Condition and I usually venture over to the markets on my break...but I think the Sunday stalls are much better!
I went there today with intention of buying these two vintage prints (they were beautiful framed paitings of this house on a river, with the first picture being the house at Autumn and the other in the spring) that I saw on saturday, but the stall wasn't there today!
So I bought other things. I got this amazing whale ornament for my new room!

It's so cute! They are actually salt + pepper shakers, but I will just use them as little friends on my desk.
I also bought a lovely vintage dress, some amazing shoes, a carpet bag (which I got for free with the purchase of ....)
My teddy! ♥

this form of night garment is called a "teddy". It's a one piece pretty thing from the 70's...I love it! I am still wearing it right now actually. It has such feminine and delicate lace, it looks like it belongs in an editorial in Lula, with some spotted knee highs!
So all in all it was a really lovely day, topped off by my listening to Pheonix and Maurice Chevailer all afternoon and drinking momma Nilsson's home made mango ice tea.
au revoir! ♥

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