Sunday, February 28, 2010

the first day of autumn!

A u t u m n ! autumn! A u t u m n ...

I am so excited because today is the first day of the most amazing dressing season of the year!
I can't wait to wear jumpers like these!
oh, and wear some autumn leaves in my hair too.

au revoir!

random photography #3

Pretty, pretty pictures make me happy.
Oh, so happy.

Friday, February 26, 2010

muses !

♥ T e n e s s e e + A l e x a !

I'm dealing with pretty serious new found love for Alexa Chung and my favorite, Tenessee Thomas recently. My lovely friend Nush gave me the link to an amazing Alexa tumblr, that has been inspiring me non stop!
After looking at countless photos of alexa and Tenessee, I have come to the conclusion that their relationship is so much like that of mine and my best friend Kate's. We tried to cast ourselves as either Tensessee or Alexa, but came to the conclusion that we should both be both.
Enjoy the eye candy and the clothes! ah! As Rachel Zoe would say...I DIE.

au revoir! Have a lovely weekend~

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I really cannot wait until Autumn begins to roll in,
I am really looking forward to purchasing some grey socks, and multiple pairs of over-the-knee socks. They are just so amazing! They look good with little wooden clogs also (still trying to find a way to buy them! haha)
I just find socks add something to an outfit, it's a small addition, but it always makes an outfit look more interesting.

au revoir!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

did mirror fall in your eye?

I have always felt we miss out on something here in Sydney,
something just so special and so beautiful that it completely changes how people live, even for a short while. It cannot be ignored, only admired.

au revoir ♥

sort of like an outfit post---

* * *
A tad random, but a post nevertheless! Today I truly had the most lovely day,
I drove to Rozelle markets with my momma. I work at Rozelle of a Saturday, at a lovely vintage fashion boutique called Mint Condition and I usually venture over to the markets on my break...but I think the Sunday stalls are much better!
I went there today with intention of buying these two vintage prints (they were beautiful framed paitings of this house on a river, with the first picture being the house at Autumn and the other in the spring) that I saw on saturday, but the stall wasn't there today!
So I bought other things. I got this amazing whale ornament for my new room!

It's so cute! They are actually salt + pepper shakers, but I will just use them as little friends on my desk.
I also bought a lovely vintage dress, some amazing shoes, a carpet bag (which I got for free with the purchase of ....)
My teddy! ♥

this form of night garment is called a "teddy". It's a one piece pretty thing from the 70's...I love it! I am still wearing it right now actually. It has such feminine and delicate lace, it looks like it belongs in an editorial in Lula, with some spotted knee highs!
So all in all it was a really lovely day, topped off by my listening to Pheonix and Maurice Chevailer all afternoon and drinking momma Nilsson's home made mango ice tea.
au revoir! ♥

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Br i g h t S T A R

Yesterday I stumbled upon production shots of which I now call one of my favourite movies ever-
B r i g h t s t a r
I wrote a very involved post about Bright Star a while ago, but I thought these images were just so beautiful, they needed their own post (+ their own poem! Keates' Bright Star, the poem from which the film takes it's name) These pictures are just so pretty, they make me so happy.
Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art---
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like nature's patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors---
No---yet still stedfast, still unchangeable,
Pillowed upon my fair love's ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever---or else swoon in death.
a u revoir

hello, dolly.

A n o u t f i t p o s t !

Yesterday I went to a lovely dinner for Kate's eighteenth. I wore this!
It's a 70's dress that I got for about five dollars from Newtown market. It was a really lovely night. I am also wearing my mum's shoes from the eighties!
(p.s. sorry about bad quality of photos, they're just mac photos that I have upped the contrast as they were taken virtually in the dark!)
au revoir. ♥

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Alexa Chung for M A D W E L L

A truly perfect ready-to-wear collection. I would wear every single piece in this collection if I could. Everyday. Alexa Chung is genius.

(recognize Tenessee from a few posts ago? She DJ'ed the after party)
I think my favourite looks have to be the chambray top/long white skirt, the mustard pants/black blouse, the trench coat/brogues ( these looks in second picture) the velvet, peter pan collared dress and the velvet shorts!
au revoir!

Monday, February 15, 2010

I blame my heritage

S w e d i s h

C l o g s !

O.K I admit that this is sort of a strange thing for one who desire oh so badly-- but I do!
I really want a pair of light wooden sandal-y style cloggs! The ones in the pictures are from the brand Swedish Hasbeens -the brand has been more internationally recognized recently, as Sarah Jessica Parker has been sporting these babies about town. The ones I want are situated in this little Swedish design store in Sydney ( I forgot the name of it, otherwise I would've looked them up and posted pictures of the exact ones haunting my mind with thier prettiness/quirky-ness).
I can just see these looking so lovely with a chambray dress or top, or with anything white for summer. I can still see these looking very cute with a pair of black tights, or some grey socks in winter.
I think I shall save up and invest in a pair of these--they're just so unusually sweet. I say unusually, because clogs traditionally are so very structured, that they become impossible to be sweet. These do both, but they will act as a lovely complimentary contrast to my wardrobe filled with lightweight, frilly, pretty clothes.
They have a perfect sized heel for the day times also!
so, on my list- Swedish-style clog sandals.
au revoir! ♥