Friday, March 27, 2009

Autumn inspiration:

Early A U T U M N inspirations !

I have still not fully recovered from my sever case of fashion block, but im getting there... Yesterday I watched Gossip Girl and fell in love with a particular outfit:

Absolutley amazing!( And once again, I swoon over the blairband)... So this inspiration plus me scrolling through the teen vogue and topshop websites seemed to help the block. I thought of autumn and lavender colours and how lavender and lilac are so not autumn colours, but I will make it work and I decided that I should start filling my autumn closet with these things:

B L O U S E S:

I have thought about what I could wear to make my pretty skirts even prettier and blouses was my first thought! Vintage shopping for beautiful white blouses is relativley easy at local thrift shops so it should be no real problem. Im thinking about blouses with peter pan collars, lace and ruffles! Blair wears them so well.. and not only white ones... lilac ones too! ( this one pictured is from liebemarlene vintage- it reminds me of the lulella style ones, so hopefully I'll buy it) I particularly like bow accents on blouses, so a pretty bow tie or ribbon worn as a bow around the collar I would love to wear.

P U R P L E !

All different shades of purple- violets, lavenders, mauves and lilacs! I would like to not only have purple blouses and tops, but purple skirts, socks and perhaps hair accessories! I get so excited thinking about the purple items I enevour to own...and I think my complexion suits purples as well!( Im a winter) I also love paring lighter purples with darker winter colours and shades like navy blue or black with a touch of white. I think that colour pallette is gorgeous and season acceptable.

Im off to another lovely party now... I'm wearing either a vintage shiny silver and black dress or a vintage coral dress with a big bow on it! au revoir.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I've been lacking...

pictured: shiny new jacket and the lovely trendy little wanker Hugh of the epically awesome music blog ( this blog is actually amazing-check it out)

I think Vince Noir is the only one who can explain my current mood ( and reason for non-bloggage of late) : FASHION BLOCK.
I'm frustrated as all I can think of these days in Cory Kennedy, Effy from skins, tights as pants... and shock horror.. pants instead of skirts! I feel bad. I'm just not really a big fan of change- Ive been so opposed to pants and shorts, t-shirts, and over sized things for so long- not that they are not lovely, I always wore them, but I added my own little bit to them , like a bow tie, or a flower comb in my hair, a big, bow headband, or shiny stockings or knee-highs, something to tie in my extremely feminine, ethereal look with a more tomboyish, and common item of clothing...
On the plus side, last week I got those lovely Jonathan Aston socks ( in black- not as satisfying...but only colour available) and... A SHINY JACKET ( for only $30 from a vintage market). I wore it to a lovely party on Saturday night. ( hence the pictures- I am also wearing the ballerina dress from a few blogs back)
Here's whats on my mind:

sure changes of style are inevitable... but I rather liked my style- I just need some lovely whimsical, dainty and lilac goodness. On the contrary, next blog: scruffy British style- kitsch ( yet somehow chic) trashy-goodness.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I dont think I can express how much I really want this:

B L A I R ' S H E A D B A N D !

Blair of Gossip Girl is evidently a huge influence on my style ( as cliche as it is) and I love almost everything she wears- truthfully these days I find myself fast forwarding through the whole episode of gossip girl , bar the scenes that contain chuck or Blair so I can get some fashion inspiration ( and eye candy ... hehe). I love her colour pallet and I love her quaint, yet quirky accents.
I do usually always love her headbands, and I have really been a bow headband wearer since my primary school days, but this particular one really gets me going, how I do love it!
It is so lovely and simple, but it can really make a simple outfit( say... a t-shirt and skirt) look amazing! I love the navy and the majorly oversized bow, but also the fact that it is velvet! I really wish I could find one simmilar, if not maybe I could make one. Anyone know any knock-offs? Or, the real thing perhaps?
au revoir.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Like the new header?

L u l a + S O C K S!

Yesterday I went to BORDERS to look for Lula. I did have some trouble finding it, after looking at the foreign fashion section for about twenty minutes ( getting a little bit distracted due to the huge french Vogue book full of the s/s 09 collections and reviews of them!) I was ready to give up when a small indian man approached me; " Would you like any help?" "yes please- I would." After spelling lula out to him about four times, he finally found it for me. It was in the foreign pop culture section instead- and the last one too! Well, at $29 a pop, it was SO worth it.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
When my phone stops being evil ( where I took all the photos) , I will upload all of the editorals I am in love with.

I am aso In Love with these socks! Jonathan Aston- these are called 'tiffany anklets' and I would love nothing more than to own these- I think they are perfect! and hopefully Myer stocks these, I know that they do stock Jonathan Aston...
One can only hope!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Inspiration: Ballerina.

Images from Rodarte and Charles Aanaste.
I've always loved ballet. I'm just one of those people who find it beautiful and inspiring and it's incredibly evocative to me. I have recently bought this amazing dress ( for far too much, may I add) and it just inspired me so much! Although we are now in autumn, there is never a bad time to crack out the pink tights, big, tulle skirts and black bodysuits... and of course, the bun with a pink ribbon in it.

Another ballerina inspired inspiration is from one of my favourite fashion houses, and my personal favourite from fashion week ( Chanel came second, but im under the impression that the world would combust if CHANEL ever got anything wrong)- E R I N F E A T H E R S T O N E!
I really loved this collection as it was in keeping with Featherstone's ethereal wood nymph feel, but it was more structured, and more Luella like. I think it was not only the almost perfect palette of the collection ( incorporating purples, blacks, whites and maroons among many other colours), but the embellishments of: the bows, the almost tye-dye effects, peter pan collars, lace gloves and stockings, and sequence. I loved the uber- girly-ness of it all, using beautiful silk and sheer fabrics... and I loved all the lilac.
Come to think of it, I think this is my favourite Erin Featherstone collection ever. SHES A GENIUS.

( this is one of the best looks I've EVER seen)

A u r e v o i r.

Monday, March 2, 2009

sad song ? Stay golden!

Stripes! oh, shock horror! On this blog? NO WAY.

Well this is just a little blog telling you all about how happy I am that my dear stripey sweater arrived today and I am so happy with it! It fits like a dream ( wow, I never thought I would ever use " fits like a dream" in my life, but there you go). I had a fine day at school today and at the moment I am listening to Au revoir simone and it is making me happy, as this one particular song reminds me so much of when I went to America last year. I was listening to them ( along with the pipettes, the byrds and Lykke Li) constantly, Au revior specicifically when we wre driving around San Fransicso at 4am, my father getting lost every three seconds, thinking the GPS lady was out to get him, and trying to figure out how to convert miles into a form of measurement he actually uses. haha. good times. I really did love san fran the most. I would love to live there when im older, maybe just for a while.
I am eagerly awaiting the eighth issue of LULA magazine! a.k.a my future place of employment (haha, cocky much?) but yes, SO excited. Really, from what ive heard its major themes include: Hannah Murray, Chanel Iman, Luella, lots of lilac, flowers and edwardian type clothes, boater hats , shiny stockings and bows. Really, there is nothing I love more than Lula, pretty much as I have never had such a connection to somthing, as it really does understand me ( as lame as that sounds). My entire fashion palette is displayed there- everything I love- and how amazing that feeling is!
au revoir.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

W I S H L I S T :

A U T U M N is here today!

and how excited I am! As ive said many times before, autumn is my favourite season as, in the Australian climate the temperature is perfect for wearing my favourite types of clothes. See, in Autumn I can easily get away with wearing flimsy and light fabric based clothes, which are very spring or summer like.. with tights! How i've missed them over the long, hot summer. Autumn has perfect weather for me to wear a lovely skirt and blouse with stockings, and if colder then a light jacket ( I have an amazing navy blue military jacket I got for xmas which I have not yet worn). It also is time to crack out the old classic maroons, navy's and mustards.... Well yesterday I went to one of my favourite shops, minty meets munt and to my shock I found almost everything on this list that I prepared weeks ago! I will need to save to get most of the things I want, but how lovely it is all there! So here is my wishlist for Autumn:

1. some comfortable black shoes- vintage, with a little heel probably.

2. A sailor dress/ top ( still holding out for that one)

3. A plain black bodysuit ( Ive been thinking lately I'd also LOVE a lilac one)

4. A red plaid blazer/ jacket.

5. A black seqined jacket/ cardigan (FOUND: minty meets munt. I tried it on and shall get it!... well, as soon as I come by $150 to spend on a cardigan on my part-time salary)

6: TIGHTS! in all shapes and colours! I am very happy about the shiny ones I got, but I would also love some plaid ones,and more decorative ones- like the white ones to the left below. or maybe even more shiny ones- much like the ones showing Luella at the moment!

7. SOCKS! even more than tights, I am lusting after socks these days! pretty delicate ones that I can layer with and wear with chunky shoes- ooh I'm getting excited just thinking about it. ( the lilac ones below are STUNNING!)

8 Shoes with mutiple buckles ( wearable shoes - not epic heels) exactley like the ones in the picture.

I really do love this picture. DAMN topshop, with there not being one in Australia, I found out these socks are only three pounds!

9. A plain black bowler hat.

... and im still on the search for that perfect lilac t-shirt. still.