Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My Christmas List.

I Have a five items that are on my christmas list ( which seems to be ever-expanding). And although I will probably not get any of these for Christmas, I aim to own every single one of these. Some way or another....

1. The Black Front Zipper skirt:

I did a blog about this on my old blog on myspace, and they are still my number one item! Ive been searching everywhere with no luck. Any suggestions on where to find one?

2. Chanel half tint sunglasses:

As discussed in the earlier blog. I believe this just empasises my love.

3. Black Peep toe boots:

Ok, know they are pretty much everywhere, but I want a pair that has a suitable heel so I can walk around in them all the time! Which I will, of course.

4. Avec Girls' Lace top :

So pretty!! But gladly, I can afford this ( later on, when I have slaved away at work) and I know where to get it!

5. Avec Girls' Fringed tee.

OK, although the catalogue says its a singlet, Ive seen it in the flesh and its a t-shirt. I made a blue fringed singlet before ( pictured in my old blog) but sadly, it went into the wash unprotected and now all the fringing has frayed! It looks absolutley horrible, so it looks like im going to have to spend some money now to get the effect I want.

Au revoir,

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