Friday, January 29, 2010

B o o t i e s

C h l o e B o o t s ! ♥
I decided a few weeks back that, for this upcoming winter, I would love to buy some boots! I have never really been a fan of boots I suppose, but I have this picture in my mind of small, thick heeled; miliary-esque; half-way-up-calf black boots that I want oh so much. I think I have been very inspired by the boots that pop up on le blog de betty all the time, and after re-watching 'Yes Man' last week I know that I definetly want some Zooey-Deschanel-in-Yes-Man-esque wear with Zooey-Deschanel-in-Yes-Man like outfits.
Until yesterday I was sitting thinking that these marvellous boots existed only in my head--that I made them up and I will have to scrimp and scrounge to find somthing half like what I imagined...but, I was wrong. I had seen these boots before...many times in fact, on the cherry blossom girl blog! Here am I, thinking I am all original and innovative and I have been seeing these babies on the feet of Alix, being subliminally fed to be for months!

(Zooey in yes man + The Cherry Blossom Girl)
Oh, but did I mention they're Chloe. So...back to scrimping and scrounging to find a cost-worthy alternative...but aren't they magnificent?
au revoir! ♥

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

the day before schooling begins---

T o d a y ,
My lovely Kate and I went to the park, just outside her house. After laying on the ground, needing to lay on the ground after spinning around on some crazy playground equiptment, I thought "what a beautiful moment this would be to bombard her with virgin suicides -esque ground photos". ♥

Kate also took some pictures of me on the playground. I am wearing the same dress from the last outfit post, I know, pretty bad showing the same outfit in consecutive posts, but its just so perfect for the summer-y park times

au revoir !

Monday, January 25, 2010


hello everyone! Just a little blog to say that I am here, living, enjoying. I had a pretty nice time at the sea, despite getting violently and rudely ill. That was not fun. Alas, I am here at my best friend Kate's. Her and her place are lovely.
I thought this would be a good time to unveil her amazing Tumblr site, ::

She has had it since September, but she has been a little bit secretive with it the whole time she has had it. Nothing like a good friend to blurt it out to the world, huh? I think its high time she came out. Shes the closeted tumbler-er.
I will strive to take some pictures of my days here, post them up. Expect to see some pictures of friends and outfits and such, I hope I can deliver what I promise!
au revoir.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

fare thee well

B y e ! .... B Y E !

O.k well I am off for my living out of my siutcase 'trip'. For the first week I will be up the coast, visiting beaches and exploring rock pools every day---that excites me. My next two-ish weeks I will spend at my best friends' houses, and that will also be amazing!
So it won't be all that bad. I wont have much internet access, though.
So I'll try to update when I can, maybe when I am at my friend's houses' I can go back to posting pictures, ect...but until then it is internet cafe o'clock.

As my room now has nothing in it, I thought I'd do a small outfit post, I am wearing my favourite dress, a vintage 70's one bought from Liebemarlene's store and shoes I bought the other day- they're so cute!

So, until I don't know when..
au revoir!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


A w o r d ( + a few p i c t u r e s ) f r o m me !

I know I have been a bit of a delinquent blogger these holidays, they started off with so much promise! I thought I would have all this time extra to blog, and I figured every time I go out, I'd just get my friends to take outfit pictures, so I could deliver what I have promised so many times about the outfit posts...
The blog will be in a little bit of a 'grey area' for a while, as I have to live out of a suitcase, rather literally, for about three weeks as my house is undergoing renovations (again!)...suffice to say that I am less than thrilled.
The good news is that when I move back into my beloved house, and room, I will have an newly decorated room, which will be a fun process (albeit a tad stressful as I move back into my room already into my senior year of schooling)... but, blog-wise it shall supply me with a new space to take outfit photos in! I am hoping to set aside an area just for taking said photos, and then I'll be able to be a proper blogger like The cherry blossom girl and Liebemarlene!
But for the meantime, I leave my darling readers with a few images of some amazing bloggers' beautiful outfit posts---:::is it just me or do outfit posts always look nicer in nature? I know, a bit hypocritical after my rave about a new indoor space paragraphs above, but I cant help it, I have always been a romantic.
A U R E V I O R !

Friday, January 15, 2010


Yesterday Thirza, Izzie, Tim and I went to Max Brenner cafe to taste '"the bald man's chocolate" for breakfast.

It was amazing.

Later on we decided to go a funny little playground in Newtown to get rid of some of our energy, swinging on giant see-saws and swings- it was great... But not as great as our trip to the local clairvoyant where we had our fortunes read (and badly may I add).

It was a really lovely day, one of those perfect summer holiday days !

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T h i r z a

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P.S. I got my Chanel-style giant tote bag [pictured above] and I love it! It is so practical and lovely ♥

I'm wearing: tee-vintage

cut off denim shorts- vintage

stockings- target

bag- General Pants

and Hair bow- home sewn.

au revoir!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


♥ ♥ ♥
I came across this Tumblr today and felt it had to be shared; CHECK.
It is a blog filled with well dressed babes, so I felt I owed it to my readers to show them.
I don't normally write about guys' fashion, but this Tumblr made me think, why can't all boys dress like these ones?

au revoir.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


B louses .... B l o u s e s , B l o u s e s !
I have been writing for a while about how I want peter pan collared blouses, preferably sleeveless, or short sleeved for this summer, but I have seen these long sleeved ones on Swedish brands' Weekday and Monki's websites and I love them! The first is my favorite, it is just amazing! I love how the shirts are all very modern and structured, but the addition of a peter pan collar makes the typically masculine "boyfriend look" of the shirts look more feminine and refined. I think all of these tops would look so lovely with either denim cut-offs and a pair of ballet flats or paired with a huge metallic skirt and wedged shoes.
That's whats I love about blouses; their versatility.

The outfit to the right is one of the loveliest outfits I have seen on a street style blog in a long time, I would definitely wear this outfit, she works the peter-pan blouse just the way it is meant to be.... and alexa Chung is just a hero. Her collared blouse is a little tougher with the studs on it, but she saves it from looking ErinWasson-esque with dainty heels and a skirt.

Au Revoir! ♥

B e c k y F i l l i p

B e c k y F i l l i p !
This Becky Fillip is quite fantastic. She's in a pretty little American band called 'the honey trees', has her own Etsy store and she has her own Flikr, full of her lovely photography. These are my favourite works of hers, which can be found in her Etsy store as prints::CHECK I think they are just beautiful, each girl is evidently different but there is this wonderful cohesion that holds each of the girls together. That being that they all share a lovely head of brunette hair, and each has a magical sadness that surrounds them. I also like how they all have different stories, I think the first girl is representative of the sea, with her holding the ship, and how her curls look like waves in a rough sea... I think the second girl has some sort of a connection nature and animals, due to the fawn and how her hair is the most naturalistic and untamed of them alland the third I believe is representative of air, as seen by the stars on her headband and collar, and the birds she has befriended.

...And that's just how I fathom her lovely illustrations. They make me want to put on a lovely blue-hued dress, curl my hair and run around on the beach at dusk....anyone else get that feeling? (haha) The middle one is my favourite, I see myself most in her.

At the moment I am listening to the middle east, this song is so beautiful, much like these pictures::
blood--the middle east
au revoir~

Monday, January 11, 2010

This the nicest photo I have ever seen

This would be a pretty nice header, huh? I've tried using it as a header and its just too small---too bad, this really is the nicest photo I've ever seen.
Everything about it appeals to me; I want to be her.
So back to the pretty violets it is for the blog!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

my lastest obsession

♥ ♥
I'm not really a bag person, I'm not one of those people that have hundreds of bags for different occasions, I have about five bags in total, with pretty much each of them being vintage. On New Years Eve, my favorite little vintage quilted black bag (that I got for 99c at a thrift store in America) broke, much to my dismay.
So I have been thinking that a large, chanel-style tote bag would be the replacement! I have loved the look of these for a while, they're such good 'blogger bags'... you know, big enough to hold a camera, even a tripod if need be. For me, it means I can bring my camera easily to places and also fit in my wallet and book to read on the train....
Aren't they pretty?
(the photos are from and london revellion)
au revoir!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

ZooeyDESCHANEL post #1000

Z o o e y , my f a v o u r i t e !

Just had another stalk session of my love Zooey Deschanel, after listening to the 500 days of summer soundtrack a few days ago, it's really good---full of The Smiths and Regina Specktor, and Zooey of course.
If you have a love for trolling through pages upon pages of images of her (like i do), go to this site :::
It's a nice little Tumblr.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


V e l v e t Bows !
I love velvet... a lot. I love bows...a lot. So naturally, I love velvet bows....a lot.
I bought some lilac and baby pink velvet ribbon the other day with Thirza and Kate, with no real intention of doing anything with it, but put it in my ever-expanding ribbon box. Yesterday however, I came across the two lovely images below and felt so inspired to make a hair bow out of my lilac velvet ribbon that I did (it is pictured in the image above)!--au revoir

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

'here lies one whoose name was writ in water'

B r i g h t S t a r

to me this film was perfect in every way.
I have been wanting to see it for a few months, eager in anticipation to see how Jane Campion will portray the short life of my favourite romantic poet, Keats. I have loved keats' poetry for a long time, being first introduced to his ballad 'la belle dame sans merci', which I fell in love with. The poem is full of natural imagery, and is written with a dream-like essence that just escalates every time I read it. I was also anticipating this film because of who Campion cast as Keats, never has a better match happened! Ben Wishaw, who, as my friends would know, I have been smitten with for quite some time plays Keates. His gentle and soft-spoken disposition made him so good in the role!I recommend seeing this film, if nothing else, for the film's honesty. The film is truly a testament to the era of romanticism and to Keats' poetry. The cinematography is so stunning, every scene is filled with overbearing romantic imagrey and each scene in itself is inspired. I got the sense that the movie was supposed to be a compilation of short, musical, beautiful scenes, which formed an overview of the life of Keats, alluding to his poetry, with one gaining a similar impression of his life when reading his complete works. I am about half way through his complete works, and I thought I'd post a snippet of my favourite of his poems that I have come across as of yet, along with pictures of the captivating movie, seriously, go see it.
Song Of Four Faeries:::
This poem raises interesting issues regarding the creative and destructive forces in nature, and concerns a discussion of the four fairies who are emblematic of their own individual element: Salamander, the faery of fire, Zephyr, faery of air, Breama, faery of water and Dusketha, the faery of earth. Their discussion regards where they will go if, and when they must depart from their natural elements, with fire and earth siding against water and air. It also alludes to my favorite Shakespearean comedy, A midsummer nights dream ---
happy, happy glowing fire!
Fragrant air! delicious life!
Let me to my grooms retire!
I to gree-weed rivers bright!
happy, happy glowing fire!
Dazzling bowers of soft desire
Ever let my nourished wing,
like a bat's, still wandering,
Nimbly fan your firery spaces,
Spirit sole in deadly places.
Let me breathe upon their skies,
And anger their live tapestries,
Free from cold, and every care,
Of chilly rain, and shivering air
Spirit of fire, away! away!
Or your very roundelay
Will sear my plumage newly buddled
From its quilled sheath, and studded
with the self-same dews that fell
On the may-grown asphodel.
Spirit of fire away, away!
Spirit of fire, away! away!
Zephyr, blue-eyed, faery, turn,
And see my cool segde-buried urn
where it rests its mossy brim
'Mid water-mint and cresses dim;
and the flowers, in sweet troubles,
life their eyes above the bubbles,
like our Queen when she would please,
To sleep, and Oberon will tease,
Love me, Blue eyed faery true,
soothly I am sick for you.
Gentle Braema! by the first
Violet young nature nursed,
I will bathe myself with thee,
So you sometime follow me
To my home, far, far, in west
Beyond the nimble-wheeled quest
Of the golden-presenced sun;
Come with me o'er the tops of trees
To my fragrant palaces
Where they ever floating are
Beneath the cherish of a star.
(There is more to the poem, but I couldn't find the poem on the internet, so I had to type all of this in, and theres a lot more I am not bothered to type--sorry....I do like this part of the poem best)I know this post had nothing to do with fashion, but this movie really inspires me! I promise more fashion-related posts soon.

- - a u r e v o i r

Sunday, January 3, 2010

i stood tip-toe upon a little hill...

I went to the shopping center the other day and I got a lovely little collection of things, a collection of things that I found so lovely that I felt obliged to blog about them.
These are small things that make me happy---
kikki. k. stationary. All stationary, really, but kikki k makes stationary so simple, clean and it makes organization look ever so lovely and pretty. I got a little box (which currently holds my collection of crayons and glitter glue, and sits on my desk) and a folder in the same natural brown paper outing thing (having issues describing the exterior of said stationary, just look at the pictures) which I shall use as my HSC Advanced English folder.
polka dot tights! finally! Technically, I bought some a few days before New Years eve, then wore them on NYE, only to have a huge guy emerge from the bushes screaming, scaring the shit out of kate and I, leading to me ripping my stockings with my heel :(
That saga being over, I have replaced them--from target (thanks to my reader who told me they were there!)
Turquoise and silver glitter nail polish. Right now, I am wearing both. I have a love for glitter nail polish and I have a bronze and a gold, but not a silver which is strange as silver is one of my favourite colours, so I thought it time to get on the silver-nailpolish bandwagon...the turquoise one, too.
Also, I got a pretty sweet peter pan collared blouse today! Pictures later.
au revoir.