Thursday, December 31, 2009

farewell twothousand and nine!

B Y E B Y E 2 0 0 9 ! ♥

This is actually the 1st birthday(ish) of the feather fleurette blogspot blog! Technically, it started in December, but I forgot to celebrate it's birthday, so i'll do so now! Two birds with one stone, some might say. I love reading my favourite blogs' recaps of their year, so I thought I'd do a little picture yearly play-by-play of my year of blogging!
J a n u a r y //
Summer holidays! I had a grand old time at a sixteen year old, chillin in the fourty degree heat of Sydney, making my friends take outfit photos of me whenever I saw a nice door, or tree, or building to stand in front of (I have to start doing that again, sorry friends!)F e b r u a r y /
Not a big month for the blog, as I was getting settled into senior school...year 11 was a big change from year 10, but it has been my favorite schooling year so far! This month I mainly wrote about my excitement of the new Lula issue that was filled with Lilac, Luella and Chanel Iman.M a r c h //
In march I was eagerly anticipating the perfect autumn weather, and my favourite dressing season! I was in love with stripes mainly, and I got my amazing blue striped top from my cousin Mia in Sweden ( I ♥ HER!).
A p r i l /
I went to Japan and honestly had the most amazing time of my life. The exchange programme was the best experience of my life thus far, if you have the opportunity---do it!
M a y //
I moved to Erskineville (or, basically Newtown) in may! We were approaching winter and I was dreaming of owning my first of cheap monday jeans, breaking my five year jean drought!

J u n e /
In June I went to the cheap monday store with my darling Samm and we had a lovely little photoshoot around my suburb. This is the month I first fell in love with wedge shoes ( im still looking for those brown H&M oxford ones!!!)
J u l y //
I turned seventeen! The picture is of the card my best friend Kate made for me.
A u g u s t /
I went to my lovely friend Ashlea's high tea party and had an amazing time! At this time it was winter and I was suffering fashion block, in severe need of some femininity in my wardrobe, so dressing up for Ashlea's party worked as an antidote.

S e p t e m b e r //
I became smitten with the belles of the black diamond field, Sarah Sophie Flicker, Tennessee Willams, Karen Elson and the new, darker edition of Lula. I was so inspired by their film spell (styled by Leigh Clarke!) that I decided to do a lula-hair inspired photoshoot -type thing.

O c t o b e r /
I bought the most amazing stockings in my wardrobe---my vintage baby blue rhinestone polka-dotted white tights ( wow, that was an intense sentence). I also made a skirt! I was looking forward to summer and I was enjoying the break from winter fashions!
N o v e m b e r ///
I first fell in love with tomboy- style, nerdy chic fashion, which I still am greatly influenced by now.
D e c e m b e r /
Not so long ago, but probably my fashion 'highlights' for this month are the nice shoes I bought that appeared on the blog! christmas was pretty amazing also ( I have yet to write about that though).

H e
r e s t o 2 0 1 0!

I'm sure it will be an amazing year, for this blog, and in general!
And just a small thank you to my readers, I love you guys for reading my ramblings about the things I find pretty!
♥ ♥ ♥

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