Tuesday, April 28, 2009

J A P A N.

K O N I C H I W A!
My ten days in Japan was one of the most amazing experiences of my life- I will never forget it. I met some of the most magical people I've come across, and Ive made a lovely Japanese best friend with my host student, Mari.

Enjoy some stereotypical Japanese pictures- peace signs and all. They are called "Parikura" in Japanese, Mari taught me that,please excuse the school uniform- not much fashion on my part here- the sailor uniforms on the other hand...

I'll do some more posts on Japan when I upload my photos, and I will talk about the six Japanese fashion magazines I bought- they're amazing!

bai bai!


Ellie said...

Super cute. I love the one where you all have cat ears.

Rad said...

Basically, I love your blog as much as their sailor uniforms. A lot.

And a lot more than my tartan skirt and green blazer.