Thursday, December 31, 2009

farewell twothousand and nine!

B Y E B Y E 2 0 0 9 ! ♥

This is actually the 1st birthday(ish) of the feather fleurette blogspot blog! Technically, it started in December, but I forgot to celebrate it's birthday, so i'll do so now! Two birds with one stone, some might say. I love reading my favourite blogs' recaps of their year, so I thought I'd do a little picture yearly play-by-play of my year of blogging!
J a n u a r y //
Summer holidays! I had a grand old time at a sixteen year old, chillin in the fourty degree heat of Sydney, making my friends take outfit photos of me whenever I saw a nice door, or tree, or building to stand in front of (I have to start doing that again, sorry friends!)F e b r u a r y /
Not a big month for the blog, as I was getting settled into senior school...year 11 was a big change from year 10, but it has been my favorite schooling year so far! This month I mainly wrote about my excitement of the new Lula issue that was filled with Lilac, Luella and Chanel Iman.M a r c h //
In march I was eagerly anticipating the perfect autumn weather, and my favourite dressing season! I was in love with stripes mainly, and I got my amazing blue striped top from my cousin Mia in Sweden ( I ♥ HER!).
A p r i l /
I went to Japan and honestly had the most amazing time of my life. The exchange programme was the best experience of my life thus far, if you have the opportunity---do it!
M a y //
I moved to Erskineville (or, basically Newtown) in may! We were approaching winter and I was dreaming of owning my first of cheap monday jeans, breaking my five year jean drought!

J u n e /
In June I went to the cheap monday store with my darling Samm and we had a lovely little photoshoot around my suburb. This is the month I first fell in love with wedge shoes ( im still looking for those brown H&M oxford ones!!!)
J u l y //
I turned seventeen! The picture is of the card my best friend Kate made for me.
A u g u s t /
I went to my lovely friend Ashlea's high tea party and had an amazing time! At this time it was winter and I was suffering fashion block, in severe need of some femininity in my wardrobe, so dressing up for Ashlea's party worked as an antidote.

S e p t e m b e r //
I became smitten with the belles of the black diamond field, Sarah Sophie Flicker, Tennessee Willams, Karen Elson and the new, darker edition of Lula. I was so inspired by their film spell (styled by Leigh Clarke!) that I decided to do a lula-hair inspired photoshoot -type thing.

O c t o b e r /
I bought the most amazing stockings in my wardrobe---my vintage baby blue rhinestone polka-dotted white tights ( wow, that was an intense sentence). I also made a skirt! I was looking forward to summer and I was enjoying the break from winter fashions!
N o v e m b e r ///
I first fell in love with tomboy- style, nerdy chic fashion, which I still am greatly influenced by now.
D e c e m b e r /
Not so long ago, but probably my fashion 'highlights' for this month are the nice shoes I bought that appeared on the blog! christmas was pretty amazing also ( I have yet to write about that though).

H e
r e s t o 2 0 1 0!

I'm sure it will be an amazing year, for this blog, and in general!
And just a small thank you to my readers, I love you guys for reading my ramblings about the things I find pretty!
♥ ♥ ♥

Saturday, December 26, 2009

see you soon...

Hello everyone, just a pretty picture to say that I am going away for about four days to my summer house, but I will be back shortly with some great pictures hopefully!
au revoir! ♥

Friday, December 25, 2009

stockings, beanie and a sweater please.

I ns p i r a t i o n :::
Christmas in the N o r t h e r n Hemisphere!
Looking at all the pictures from my favorite European/ North American fashion blogs, I have become jealous of the cold weather that they experience during Christmas. If nothing at all, all the Christmas memorabilia (i.e. all the snow-related things) that we have in Australia would be far more relevant if it was cold! Not to say that I don't love the unbeatable combination of summer holidays, Christmas and New years coming all at once, I'm just so inspired by all the northern-hemisphere influences that I feel like pulling on a pair of stockings and a big coat, to supplement the flimsy top and skirt I wore yesterday.
So here's some of my inspiration, perhaps it will inspire you also!(this is my favourite look-- I forgot where it is from, but I am in love with it all! The colour pallet, the tights/black boots, the amazing grey cable knit sweater and the cute beanie!)

(this is from Quirky explosion, a blog I stumbled across a short time ago + I love her outfits!)

(from migonette (she looks a lot like the cherry blossom girl, huh?). When winter rolls around, I think I shall be re-creating this outfit- I love it!)

(this is from alicepoint, it is her sister- whose hair I am IN LOVE with)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas everyone!

M e r r y C h r i s t m a s !

Love, L
au revoir!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

a day with friends

♥ ♥ ♥
Last week my friends and I went to the botanical gardens to have some lovely summer times. I'll post some more photos of my friends from this day soon, but for the moment I am wearing :::

Sunday, December 20, 2009

outfit #1

♥ Well, I told you that I would do my best to do a few outfit posts this summer...and here's the first one! I was inspired by these pictures below: The bow headband from that picture to the left and the simple white tee/denim cut off's from the Cherry blossom girl in the picture to the right.

..I wish I had those stockings though! I still haven't been able to find them here in Australia, perhaps when the winter collections start to enter chain stores, they will introduce the amazing little polka-dot or heart print can only hope!

I accessorized the plain outfit with bracelets ( from Newtown festival) and sparkly lilac bangles (from this funny Indian grocery store that has a lovely embellishments section with bangles, Sari fabric and bindi's)... I also added the black bow headband which I bought in Japan and the silver pendant is from sportsgirl.
au revoir.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


New goal : to have Alexa Chung's wardrobe. In particular, own all the pretty, well-fitted blouses that she pairs with more simple clothes.
Her perfect lanky legs may be a nice thing to have as well, just on the side.
au revoir---

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

fringe ♥

F r i n g e !

Getting my hair cut to have a fringe is something that I have been thinking about doing for a while now, but something always stopped me. I was so worried that I would hate it, I dont know why, because I've had a fringe for most of my life. I guess I was worried about the fact that it took so long to grow out the fringe in the first place, and if I didn't like it, I would have to do it all again! But fortunately, I love it!
I guess it was those pictures from 's recent post that were the tip of the ice berg, also having a giant perv-session on Zooey Deschanel last night may have tipped my decision.... .... .... .... ..... .... ... .... ....
Its come to my attention that I haven't done a full outfit post in a very long time, probably over six months, so during these holidays, I shall endevour to post proper outfit posts, which is why I originally started the blog. I always find that blogs are far more interesting when you can see both the inspirations of the blogger, and then how they put those inspirations to use through outfit posts.
au revoir!

denim cut offs ++

The lovely Rhiannon from Liebemarlene vintage ( in pictures above) did about a post on denim cut-offs the other day that I found so lovely! So lovely in fact, that I decided to write one myself.

I think cut-offs are exactly what I sort of need at the moment, with it being summer and all. For some reason, it doesn't really feel like the summer that I usually have. That carefree, schoolwork -less-ness that I love during the summer holidays where I am free from constricting uniforms and able to paint my nails and wear my hair out everyday just hasn't arrived yet. It is probably because these holidays are not really like all the others Ive had due to year twelve being evil, and all the school work I have to do over the holidays...ah well! Hopefully with the adding of more summer clothing to my wardrobe, I will start to feel a little bit more summer-ey!

(In picture: The amazing Alexa Chung)
I love how these girls make the cut-offs look dainty and different, with the addition of prettier elements like stockings, feminine coats, and Edwardian collars! Although they styled theirs for winter, I'm sure I will be able to work something out for summer...such as the addition of pretty blouses, a boater hat and sweet shoes!
au revoir.


Flight of the Conchords is the funniest shit. It's so good! This scene is from honestly the funniest episode Ive seen of theirs. I watched the episode four times - haha. I think I enjoy this so much because its a spoof of West side story, my favorite musical of all time. I'm such a musical theatre nerd. I am also in love with Rhys Darby, who plays Murray.

Here's the original from West side story, I recognized it was a spoof of this as soon as they started clicking...

au revoir.♥

Sunday, December 13, 2009

See is for

I said it would happen. That the innovative and purely creative Hannah Mac Gibbon would bring Chloe right back to its entitled glory, after that failure inherited the label a few years ago .
I also predicted that the chain stores would start copying her designs, making them available for those who cannot afford to spend their life savings on Chloe shoes...

and I was right.
I found these in the Australian chain store, Forever New yesterday. I had to buy them. They are so true to the original Chloe half-bow shoes I have been dreaming of. I was awe-struck when I saw these on the models for the Chloe show a few seasons back which I like to call one of my favorite collections ever. I thought the idea was so simple, a half bow. Simultaneously appearing both feminine and structurally masculine and modern. So when I saw forever New's (not very orginal) take on the Chloe heeled sandals, I had to buy them. After buying them, I am poor, but anyone who knows me is well aware of the fact that I need to buy new flat shoes. I am renown for buying shoes half falling apart with the attitude of "it adds character". Alas, I have bought these new babies and I love them!
I think its a few days until Christmas now, I have only been on summer holidays for three days and I have already lost count of the date. I love Christmas! It is such a shiny time of year, everything alight, everything glistening, and people seem generally happier. Not because of the material goods they are receiving, surely. I just think it is generally a time of merriment. Having splendid holidays are we all?


(the original heeled Chloe half bow shoes)

Thursday, December 10, 2009


N E W SH O ES! ♥

I bought these babies for $10 from the Salvos at Roselle. so great!
I love the colour and the little umbrellas! They're not very summer-ey shoes, but i've never been one to stick to the rules of fashion.

au revoir!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


A step towards the "tomboy/nerd chic" look I'm liking at the moment : : :

I bought this very exciting plaid vest/top thing at the Surry Hills markets on Saturday. It is made out of the most lovely light cotton and it has denim accents around the sleeves and on the pockets. It would look amazing with brown oxfords and a bow tie ♥

I also bought a few dresses at the markets, and that boater hat from Sportgirl!
...but I had to pack them away for Christmas...