Tuesday, February 17, 2009


SUNDAY! yes...SUNSHINE? no... SHINY S T O C K I N G S ? ..yess!!

Sunday was such a lovely day. To escape the rain a few friends of mine and I decided to visit my favourite place in all of Sydney- the aquarium. As one of my friends so kindly poined out " I think you have an aquarium obsession" after talking about how amazing it is for an uncomforatbly scopious amount of time. So I wont go on about it here- but there will be pictures. I got many happy snaps of the seahorses!
But all this aquarium buisness aside, after leaving, we just hung around the city where... I bought these! I'm not too sure how well they appear in the pictures, but they are a fine fish net type stocking with little silver shiny pieces in them! They look so lovely in the sunshine... or in the moonlight. I love them, I really do. They kind of (once again stealing from this girls wardrobe- I think shes been mentioned in my past three blogs) remind me of Cassies on Skins... but hers are knee highs and hers are more colourful. I can see these being beautiflly matched with a romantic, white, vintage nightgown dress with lots of loose pleating and some delicate embellisments. I have to search for such a dress, however!
At the moment I am way excited as I just found out that the eight issue of Lula magazine is out this week in the U.S. ..so it should be making its way here in the next week or so so I am absolutley estatic!and check out the front cover!

Can anyone say : Lilac and Luella = LOR, ( me) which according to this cover also equals:


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