d r e a m Outfits!
Ever since I started university a month ago, I have found myself always thinking about outfits (even more than before!) It must be the fact that I actually have to pick out an outfit every day--which I am definitely not used to coming from school wearing a uniform every day.
So I have come up with a few dream outfits with clothes from some of my favourite designers which I would wear all about town (if I were a gazillionaire, of course).
Oufit O n e : D i n n e r !I would wear this little ensemble going out to dinner with my friends. I am really loving navy blue knits at the moment, I've been searching for a perfect navy sweater just like this one, no luck yet (well, in my price range)
1. Secret Squirrel dress 2. Glassworks navy blue sweater 3. Ellery sunglassess 4. Madewell bootsOutfit 2: c o n c e r t I've been in love with this Sretsis dress ever since I saw it- its so cute, its perfect for a memorable occasion like a concert.
1. Sretsis Dress 2. Swedish Hasbeen clogs 3. Karen Walker sunglassess
Ouftit t h r e e : University!I think this is probably the most realistic outfit of the bunch---ill be able to swing a look like this for those long days spent filling my head with learned knowledge.
1. Opening Ceremony sweater 2. Karen Walker sunglassess 3. Secret Squirrel skirt 4. Topshop brogues
Outfit f o u r : D r i n k sI can imagine wearing this dress out to drinks with my best friends- its so simple and beautiful.
1. A.P.C dress 2. Topshop pendant 3. Madewell clog boots.Outfit f i v e : E v e r y w h e r eThis is the perfect simple, yet romantic outfit. The white and delicate shape of this dress (the sleeves!) make it perfect for wearing anywhere...to all of the above places, and more!
1. Secret Squirrel dress 2. Topshop necklace 3. Funkis clogsA u revoir!